Measuring Your Dog’s Height

Dog height is measured at the withers, which is the highest point of the shoulder blade. On a thick coated dog like Koda, you may need to compress the fur to get a more accurate measurement. Here we are using a yard stick which you can pick up in the paint department of big box home improvement stores.

Koda’s height is measured to be 20.5″. He’ll use a 55cm ball based on the NATE size chart.

Wikihow has an alternative method for measuring using a marking on a wall.

Choosing the right ball for your dog

Fitness balls come in a range of sizes and selecting the right ball for your dog is important. NATE and ATA specify ball sizing by dog height at the shoulders/chest. If you don’t know your dog’s height check our post on how to measure.

Photo of 6 different sized fitness balls
(Photo: Lorene Voskinarian)

NATE rules provide a range of ball sizes based on heightt.

Mini 9” (22.5 cm) & under 25 cm18 cm (7 inches) up to 30cm (11.5inches)
** lighter weight balls may be used
X-SmallOver 9”(22.9 cm) up to
14” (35.5 cm)
 35 cm 30 cm (11.5 inches) up to 40cm (15.75 inches)
SmallOver 14” (35.5 cm) up to
18” (45.7cm)
 45 cm40 cm (15.75 inches) up to 50 cm (19.75 inches)
MediumOver 18” (45.7 cm) up to
22” (55.8 cm)
 55 cm 50 cm (19.75 inches) up to 60cm (23.5 inches)
 LargeOver 22” up to 26” 65 cm 60 cm (23.5 inches) up to 70cm (27.5 inches)
 X-Large Over 26” (66 cm) 75 cm 70 cm (27.5 inches) up to 80cm (31.5 inches)

American Treibball Association says the ball should be at the dog’s shoulder/chest level and recommends the following ball sizing

21.5″ = 75 cm (Giant Breeds)

19.1″ = 65 cm (Large Breeds)

17.5″ = 55 cm (Medium Breeds)

15.5″ = 45 cm (Small Breeds)

13″ and under = 35 cm (Toy Breeds) use kid’s play balls from the toy section of any retailer.